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Textiles and Leather > Leather Goods



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  Companies Found: 1    
India Corp One Promotional Clothing and Accessories Pvt. Ltd.
33, Lavender, NECO Gardens, Viman Nagar,
Pune, Maharashtra India
Phone: +91-20- 3294 1981
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Leather is an important material with many uses, leather formed the basis of much ancient technology. In the leather industry the raw materials are by-products of the meat industry, with the meat having higher value than the skin. Taxidermy also makes use of the skin of animals, but generally the head and part of the back are used. The leather sector has a growing importance in the economy. The leather industry occupies a place of prominence in the Indian economy on account of its massive potential for employment, growth, and export. Leather goods manufacturers produce a wide variety of products, ranging from footwear, shoes, garments, accessories, gloves, and saddlery, all of which are both for domestic distribution and export markets. serves as a common platform for leather goods manufacturers. Sellers need to get themselves registered with SME. Buyers need to enter leather goods on the SME portal search box and get all the details of leather goods manufacturers or leather products supplier.