Eva Floats

Purse Seine Fishing Floats

E.V.A floats are manufactured from Ethylene Viny Acetate (E.V.A) which is superior compared to other material and have an excellent elasticity.

Systems - A Great Way
Does not absorb water at all

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Welcome to Duralite Industries

Duralite Industries manufacture eva floats and gill net floats for fishing purpose. Duralite Industries is pioneer in making best quality plastic hinge blocks in South Maharashtra. We make all the plastic accessories in different materials such as HDPE , PP, Nylon , PET, ABS , SAN , Acrylic , Polystyrene , PVC etc. We make all the plastic accessories required for making concrete door frames. We also manufacture eva floats for commercial and private applications. Eva Floats are known for their quality and strength.

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