Coolant Changing Procedures Recommendations
- Removing Wastes - Take off heavy sludge and metal powders from machines, tanks and pits.
- Washing - Apply 1% Solvoclean 77 LC / recommended Quaker cleaner in order to facilitate the removal of heavy sludge and clean system and re-circulate for half to one hour.
- Rinsing - Washing out a system with water.
After cleaning is completed and all dirty solution or emulsion has been removed from the system, the new emulsion should be made up as follows: -
- Charge the Coolant tank with water.
- SLOWLY add the desired amount of Coolant (QUAKERAL 3753 ALU / 3755-BIO, 370 KLG, 7101 AFS, 3890, 7103 AFS, 3610 as recommended & supplied to you) and circulate to homogenize for 10 to 15 minutes through the machines.
- Proceed with operating schedule after checking the actual concentration and pH of the emulsion.
- In few days after start-up, should check efficiency of skimmers and filters carefully for preventing dirty parts production.
- After several hours of Metalworking fluid operation with a new emulsion, routine checks of parameters viz. pH, concentration, bacteria count etc. should be practiced.
- If it is observed that extra oil additions are required, as per the main consideration equipment for filtration and analysis at site, and on that oil be added directly or through premix tank in an area where the fresh oil will be readily dispersed.
- To facilitate the above, the oil should be added by using the premix tank or venturi system to the emulsion tank.
- Regardless of the total volume oil addition required, do not add the oil all at once. Additions of smaller quantities at intervals are much more effective. Always add the oil when the emulsion is being re-circulated. Never add it to a Still tank.
- To ensure the coolant condition, several items should be observed regularly by line operating personnel.
Courtesy: Quaker Chemical India Ltd.