Precautions to be taken before commencing tapping cycle:
- Is drilled hole the correct size?
- Is proper chamfer provided on hole after drilling?
- Is a clearance between the drilled hole and the tap sufficient at the starting position to allow the tap to clear the hole upon retraction?
- If a blind hole is being tapped, is there sufficient chip clearance?
- Is tap sharp and of the correct design for its current application?
- Is the tap in proper alignment with the drilled hole?
- Is machine speed correct?
- Is the machine feed correct?
- Is machine stop set properly so the tap release in neutral rather than bottoming in work piece or fixture?
- Is the work piece held rigidly against rotation and upward movement?
- Is the machine stop arm rigid enough to prevent the torque arm of the tapping attachment from bending or deflecting it? The machine stop arm must always be stronger than the tap itself.
- Is the correct tapping attachment for the specific job requirements being used?
- Is the machine retraction correct for the tapping attachment being used?
- Is the torque control set correctly so the tap will not break if bottom is accidentally engaged?
- Is the depth control set to correspond with the machine stop to provide the total thread depth required and prevent bottoming?
- Is the correct cutting fluid and recommended concentration being used?