We are manufacturer and supplier of high range of Acoustic Enclosure made of high grade quality raw material sourced from authenticated vendors. These are made of MS steel metal, rock wool slabs and powder coated epoxy. The body of the enclosure is made out of performed heavy gauge sheet metal section & reinforcement with fabricated super structure. The acoustic enclosure are used to enclose high power generators, DG set and power press, these are also available for enclosing noise making machines, sound proof office chambers and cabins. The size and dimensions of this unit depends on the space it is meant for as well as the dimensions and size as defined by the order requirement. This also provides maximum space provided inside the enclosure for access and maintenance.
- Features :
Waterproof framework,
Strong construction,
Highly durable,
Enclosed structure,
Sturdy look,
Large space,
High grade quality material.
- Usage :
These are used in offices, colleges, high work force buildings and commercial complexes to enclose large generators for full use and to control the noise pollution to spread in the surroundings.
Instructions to use:The enclosures must be installed with care to avoid damage, the cleaning and maintenance must be done regular as it has maximum space for access.