We Husiraz Engineers specilises in making pipe couplings used in the hydraulic braking systems of CVs, and to some extent passenger cars too. We feature prominent CV manufacturers like Tata Motors and Eicher Motors among their Clients.

Who We Are

Siraj N Gangardiwala of Pune is a well-travelled man. Now of course he often goes to China, Japan, The US, The UAE, Germany, Australia, and, so on either to visit trade fairs and know more about the global automotive market, as well as gain insights into new technologies or simply to take a pleasure break.

Earlier though, after he had oftained a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Dahod in 1970, he travelled from his native place in Gujrat across Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra to look for job opportunities and gain valuable experience in the only field he understood and had a passion for automotive engineering.

That finally brought him to Thane where he worked with manufacturers of mechanical actuators, gearboxes, scre jacks, rod bending, machines and rod cutting machines.