Tuesday, 31 December 2013, Written by Administrator
» Walk On Ceiling - The ceiling membrane is of vital importance to the integrity and performance of any cleanroom. The concept of ceilings can vary from simple suspended
lay-in grid types to sophisticated 'walk on' construction and plenums.
» Waferboard A building panel made by bonding together large, flat flakes of wood.
» Waffle slab A two-way concrete joist system.
» Wainscoting A wall facing, usually of wood, cut stone, or ceramic tile, that is carried only partway up a wall.
» Waler A horizontal beam used to sup- port sheeting or concrete formwork. Wane An irregular rounding of a long
edge of a piece of dimension lumber
caused by cutting the
lumber from too near the outside surface of the log.
» Warm edge spacer A glazing edge spacer
with improved thermal resistance.
» Washer A steel disk with a hole in the middle, used to spread the load from a bolt, screw, or nail across a wider area of material.
» Water–cement ratio An expression of the relative proportions, by weight, of water and cement in a concrete mixture.
» Waterproofing Material acting as a bar- rier to the flow of water and capable of withstanding hydrostatic pressure.
» Water-reducing admixture Concrete admixture that allows a reduction in the amount of mixing water while retaining the same workability, resulting in higher- strength
» Water-resistant gypsum board A gypsum board designed for use in locations where it may be exposed to occasional dampness.
» Water smoking The process of applying heat to evaporate the last water from clay products before they are fired.
» Waterstop A metal, synthetic rubber, bentonite clay, or sealant strip used to seal joints in concrete foundation walls.
» Water-struck brick A brick made in a mold that was wetted before the clay was placed on it.
» Water table The level at which the pres- sure of water in the soil is equal to the at- mospheric pressure; effectively, the level to which groundwater will fill an excava- tion; a
wood molding or shaped brick used to make a transition between a thick- er foundation and the wall above.
» Water vapor Water in its gaseous phase. Wattle and daub Mud plaster (daub) ap- plied to a primitive lath of woven twigs or
reeds (wattle).
» Waxing Filling of voids in marble slabs. Weathered joint A mortar joint finished in a sloping, planar profile that tends to
shed water to the outside of the wall.
» Weathering steel A steel alloy that forms a tenacious, self-protecting rust layer when exposed to the atmosphere.
» Weather-resistive barrier A membrane used to resist the passage of liquid water or air through the exterior enclosure of a building.
» Weatherstrip A ribbon of resilient, brushlike, or springy material used to reduce air infiltration through the crack around a sash or door.
» Web A cross-connecting piece, such as the portion of a wide-flange shape that is perpendicular to the flanges or the por- tion of a concrete masonr y unit that is perpendicular
to the face shells.
» Web stiffener A metal rib used to support the web of a light gauge steel joist or a structural steel girder against buckling.
» Weep hole A small opening whose purpose is to permit drainage of water that accumulates inside a building com- ponent or assembly.
» Weld A joint between two pieces of metal formed by fusing the pieces together by the application of intense heat, usually with the aid of additional metal melted from a rod or
Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 January 2014 13:39