Tuesday, 31 December 2013 Written by Administrator
» IBC See International Building Code
and International Residential Code.
I-beam (obsolete term) An American
Standard section of hot-rolled steel.
» Ice and water shield See Rubberized un- derlayment.
» Ice barrier A sheet material, usually rubberized underlayment or sheet metal, applied to the lower portions of sloped roofs in cold climates to protect against ice dams.
» Ice dam An obstruction along the eave of a roof, caused by the refreezing of water emanating from melting snow on the roof surface above.
» ICF See Insulating concrete form. Igneous rock Rock formed by the solidi- fication of magma.
» IIC See Impact Isolation Class.
» I-joist A manufactured wood framing member whose cross-sectional shape re- sembles the letter I.
Impact Isolation Class (IIC) An index of the extent to which a floor assembly transmits impact noise from a room above to the room below.
Impact noise Noise generated by foot- steps or other impacts on a floor.
Impact wrench A device for tightening bolts and nuts by means of rapidly repeat- ed torque impulses produced by electrical or pneumatic energy.
Incising Short, repetitive cuts made in the surface of a wood member to increase its absorption of treatment chemicals.
» Ingot A large block of cast metal.
» Insulating concrete form (ICF) A system of lightweight components, most com-
Internal drainage Providing a curtain wall with hidden channels and weep holes to remove any
water that may penetrate the exterior layers of the wall.
Internal flashing In masonr y, a flashing concealed with the masonr y; also called a concealed or through-wall flashing.
» Internal gutter A gutter built into a roof assembly.
» International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC) The predominant U.S. model building codes.
» Interstitial ceiling A suspended ceil- ing with sufficient structural strength to support workers safely as they install and maintain mechanical and electrical instal- lations
above the ceiling.
Intrados The concave surface of an arch.
Intumescent coating A paint or mastic that expands to form a stable, insulating char when exposed to fire.
» Inverted roof A membrane roof assem- bly in which the thermal insulation lies above the membrane.
» IRC See International Building Code
and International Residential Code.
Iron In pure form, a metallic element. In common usage, ferrous alloys oth- er than steels, including cast iron and wrought iron.
Iron dog A heavy U-shaped staple used to tie the ends of heavy timbers together. Ironworker A skilled laborer who erects
steel building frames or places reinforc-
ing bars in
concrete construction. Isocyanurate foam A thermosetting plastic foam with thermal insulating prop-
Isolation joint A type of structure/enclo- sure joint used with concrete slabs on grade to allow differential movement where they abut adjacent walls and columns.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 January 2014 11:34