Tuesday, 31 December 2013 Written by Administrator
» Pre engineered building - is a steel structure built over a structural concept of primary members, secondary members, and the cover sheeting connected to each other. The
structural members are custom designed to be lighter in weight as well as high in strength.
» Package fireplace A factor y-built fire- place that is installed as a unit.
» Paint A heavily pigmented coating ap- plied to a surface for decorative and/or protective purposes.
» Pan A form used to produce the cavity between joists in a one-way concrete joist system.
» Panel A broad, thin piece of wood; a sheet of building material such as plywood or particleboard; a prefabricated building component that is broad and thin, such as a curtain
wall panel; a rectangular area within a truss bounded by two vertical in- terior members.
» Panel door A wood door in which one or more thin panels are held by stiles and rails.
» Panelized construction A method of prefabricated wood light frame construc- tion, in which whole sections of walls or floors are framed and sheathed in the factor y and then
transported to the con- struction site for erection.
» Panic hardware A mechanical device that opens a door automatically if pres- sure is exerted against the device from the interior of the building.
» Parallel strand lumber (PSL) Structural composite lumber made of wood shreds oriented parallel to the long axis of each piece and bonded together with adhe- sive.
» Parapet The region of an exterior wall that projects above the level of the roof. Parging Portland cement plaster ap-
plied over masonr y to make it less perme-
able to water.
Partially restrained moment connec- tion A steel frame moment connection that is less rigid than a fully restrained moment connection but that still possesses a usable
degree of resistance to rotation; previ- ously referred to as an “AISC Type 3” con- nection.
» Particleboard A building panel com- posed of small particles of wood bonded together under pressure.
» Parting compound See Form release compound.
» Partition An interior nonloadbearing wall.
» Passive metal A metal relatively low on a galvanic series, tending to act as an cath- ode in galvanic couples; also called a noble metal.
» Patterned glass Glass into which a tex- ture has been rolled during manufac- ture.
» Pattern rafter A wood rafter cut to size and shape and then used to trace cuts onto additional wood members so as to
assure consistent dimensions among all rafters.
» Paver A half-thickness brick used as finish flooring.
» PEC See Pressure equalization chamber. Pediment The gable end of a roof in classical architecture.
» Penetrometer A device for testing the resistance of a material to penetration, usually used to make a quick, approxi- mate determination of its compressive strength.
» Penny (d) A designation of nail size. Performance grade A rating used to in- dicate the relative weather resistance of a
» Periodic kiln A kiln that is loaded and fired in discrete batches, as differentiated from a tunnel kiln, which is operated con- tinuously.
» Perlite Expanded volcanic glass, used as a lightweight aggregate in concrete and plas- ter and as an insulating fill.
» Perm A unit of vapor permeance, a measure of a material’s permeability to the diffusion of water vapor.
» Permanent formwork Concrete form- work that remains permanently in place after concrete is poured and cured and be- comes part of the finished construction.
» Phased construction See Fast track con- struction.
» Photochromic glass Glass that changes it optical properties in response to light intensity.
» Photovoltaic Capable of converting light into electricity.
» Pier A caisson foundation unit.
» Pilaster A vertical, integral stiffening rib in a masonr y or concrete wall.
» Pile A long, slender piece of material driven into the ground to act as an ele- ment of a foundation.
» Pile cap A thick slab of reinforced con- crete poured across the top of a pile clus- ter to cause the cluster to act as a unit in supporting a column or grade beam.
» Piledriver A machine for driving piles. Pill test A test of a flooring material’s propensity for flame spread when ex-
posed to a burning tablet intended to
simulate a dropped lit
cigarette, match, or similar hazard.
» Pintle A metal device used to transmit compressive forces between superimposed columns in Mill construction.Pitch The slope of a roof or other plane, often expressed as
inches of rise per foot of run; a dark, viscous hydrocarbon dis- tilled from coal tar; a viscous resin found in wood.
» Pitched roof A sloping roof.
» Pivoting window A window that opens by rotating around its vertical centerline. Plainsawing Sawing a log into dimen-
sion lumber without regard to the direc-
tion of the annual
» Plain slicing Cutting a log into veneers without regard to the direction of the an- nual rings.
» Plan An architectural drawing, rep- resenting the layout of walls and floor areas as seen from above (“floor plan”) or ceilings as seen from below (“ceiling plan”).
» Planing Smoothing the surface of a piece of wood, stone, or steel with a cut- ting blade.
» Plank flooring Solid wood finish floor- ing members 3 inches (75 mm) or more in width.
» Plaster A cementitious material, usually based on gypsum or portland cement, ap- plied to lath or masonr y in paste form to harden into a finish surface.
» Plasterboard See Gypsum board. Plaster of Paris See Calcined gypsum. Plaster screeds Intermittent spots or
strips of plaster used to establish the level
to which a large
plaster surface will be fin- ished.
» Plastic A synthetically produced giant molecule, mostly based on carbon chem- istr y.
» Plasticity The ability to retain a shape attained by pressure deformation.
» Plastic laminate flooring A finish mate- rial for floors that consists of a thin dec- orative and wearing layer of melamine laminate glued to a wood composite sub- strate.
» Plastic lumber Lumberlike products with a plastic content of 50 percent or more. See also Structural-grade plastic lumber.
» Plastic shrinkage cracking Cracking in freshly mixed concrete, most commonly in slabs, that occurs when the surface of the concrete dries too rapidly.
» Plate A broad sheet of rolled metal 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) or more thick; a two- way concrete slab; a horizontal top or
bottom member in a platform frame wall structure.
» Plate girder A large beam made up of steel plates, sometimes in combination with steel angles, that are welded, bolted, or riveted together.
» Plate glass Glass of high optical quality, produced by grinding and polishing both faces of a glass sheet.
» Platform frame A wooden building frame composed of closely spaced mem- bers nominally 2 inches (51 mm) thick in which the wall members do not run past the floor
framing members.
» Plenum The space between the ceiling of a room and the structural floor above, used as a passage for ductwork, piping, and wiring.
» Plumb Vertical.
» Plumb cut A saw cut that produces a ver- tical (plumb) surface in a sloping rafter after the rafter is in its final position. See also Level cut.
» Plumbing up The process of making a steel building frame vertical and square. Ply A layer, such as a layer of felt in a
built-up roof membrane or a layer of ve-
neer in plywood.
» Plywood A wood panel composed of an odd number of layers of wood veneer bonded together under pressure.
» PMR See Protected membrane roof. Pneumatically placed concrete See Shot- crete.
» Pointing The process of applying mor- tar to the surface of a mortar joint after the masonr y has been laid, either as a means of finishing the joint or to repair a defective joint.
Raked mortar joints can also be pointed with elastomeric sealant.
Pointing mortar Mortar used for the pointing of masonr y joints, generally of relatively low strength and with good wok- ability and adhesion characteristics.
» Poke-through fitting An electrical outlet that is installed by drilling a hole through a floor, inserting the outlet from above, and bringing in the wiring from the ple- num below.
» Polybutene tape A sticky, masticlike tape used to seal nonworking joints, especially between glass and mullions.
» Polycarbonate An extremely tough, strong, usually transparent plastic used for window and skylight glazing, light fixture globes, door sills, and other applications.
» Polyethylene A thermoplastic widely used in sheet form for vapor retarders, moisture barriers, and temporar y con- struction coverings.
» Polyisocyanurate foam see Isocyanurate foam.
» Polymer A large molecule composed of many identical chemical units. Polypropylene A plastic formed by the
» polymerization of propylene.
» Polystyrene foam A thermoplastic foam with thermal insulating properties. Polysulfide A high-range gunnable
» Polyurethane Any of a large group of resins and synthetic rubber compounds used in sealants, varnishes, insulating foams, and roof membranes.
» Polyurethane foam A thermosetting foam with thermal insulating properties. Polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer A
transparent plastic used in the fabrication
of laminated glass.
» Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) A thermoplas- tic material widely used in construction products, including plumbing pipes, floor tiles, wall coverings, and roof membranes. Called
“vinyl” for short.
Ponding The accumulation of standing water on a low-slope roof due to inad- equate drainage.
Poorly graded soil See Well-sorted soil. Poorly sorted soil See Well-graded soil. Portal frame A rigid frame; two columns
and a beam attached to one another with
» Portland cement A gray or white pow- der, composed principally of calcium sili- cates, which, when combined with water, hydrates to form the binder in concrete, mortar, and
Posttensioning Compressing the con- crete in a structural member by tension- ing high-strength steel tendons against it after the concrete has cured.
Pour To cast concrete; an increment of concrete casting carried out without in- terruption.
Powder coating A coating produced by applying a powder consisting of thermosetting resins and pigments, ad- hered to the substrate by electrostatic attraction, and fused into
a continuous film in an oven.
Powder driven Inserted by a gunlike tool using energy provided by an explod- ing charge of gunpowder.Pozzolan A supplementar y cementitious material, such as fly ash, silica fume, and some naturally occurring shales and clays, that has few or no inherent cementitious properties but that, in the presence of moisture, can react with calcium hy-
droxide released by other cementitious materials to create a hydraulic cement product. The Romans mixed natural pozzolans with lime to make the first hydraulic cement.
Precast concrete Concrete cast and cured in a location other than its final po- sition in the structure.
» Predecorated gypsum board Gypsum board finished at the factor y with a deco- rative layer of paint, paper, or plastic.
» Prefabrication Construction that takes place in a factor y or shop, rather than on the building site.
» Preformed cellular tape sealant A sealant inserted into a joint in the form of a compressed sponge impregnated with compounds that cure to form a watertight seal.
» Preformed joint filler A strip of rubber y or spongelike material designed to fit snugly into a gap between two materials.
» Preformed solid tape sealant A sealant inserted into a joint in the form of a flex- ible strip of solid material.
» Prehung door A door that is hinged to its frame in a factor y or shop.
» Prescriptive building code A set of legal regulations that mandate specific con- struction details and practices rather than establish performance standards.
Preservative-treated wood Wood that has been impregnated with preser vative chemicals to increase its resistance to de- cay and biological attack; also commonly called
pressure-treated wood.
Pressure equalization chamber (PEC) The wind-pressurized cavity in a rain- screen wall.
Pressure-equalized wall design Curtain wall design that relies on neutralization of wind pressures on both sides of a the exterior cladding to control water entr y into the wall
system. See also Rainscreen principle.
» Pressure-treated wood Wood that has been impregnated with chemicals under pressure for the purpose of retarding decay or reducing combustibility.
» Prestressed concrete Concrete that has been pretensioned or posttensioned.
» Prestressing Applying an initial com- pressive stress to a concrete structural member, either by pretensioning or postten- sioning.
» Pretensioning Compressing the con- crete in a structural member by pouring the concrete for the member around stretched high-strength steel strands, cur- ing the concrete,
and releasing the exter- nal tensioning force on the strands.
» Prime window A window unit that is made to be installed permanently in a building.
» Priming Covering a surface with a coat- ing that prepares it to accept another coating or a sealant.
» Protected membrane roof (PMR) A membrane roof assembly in which the thermal insulation lies above the mem- brane.
» Protection board Semirigid sheet mate- rial used to cushion the outside of a foun- dation wall, particularly its waterproofing layer, from damage caused by rocks in the
backfill material.
PSL See Parallel strand lumber. Pultrusion The process of producing a shaped linear element by pulling glass
fibers through a bath of uncured plastic,
then through a heated,
shaped die in which the plastic hardens.
» Punty A metal rod used in working with hot glass.
» Purlin A beam that spans across the slope of a steep roof to support the roof decking.
» Putty A simple glazing compound used to seal around a small light
» PVB interlayer See Polyvinyl butyral in- terlayer.
» PVC See Polyvinyl chloride.
» Pyrolitic coating A coating applied at a ver y high temperature.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 January 2014 07:20