Tuesday, 31 December 2013 Written by Administrator
» U-Factor A measure of the thermal con- ductance of a material or assembly; the mathematical reciprocal of R-value.
» Unbonded construction Posttensioned concrete construction in which the ten-
dons are not grouted to the surrounding concrete.
» Uncoursed stone masonry Stone ma- sonr y laid without continuous horizontal joints; random.
» Undercarpet wiring system Flat, insu- lated electrical conductors that run un- der carpeting, and their associated outlet boxes and fixtures.
» Undercourse A course of shingles laid beneath an exposed course of shingles at the lower edge of a wall or roof in order to provide a waterproof layer behind the joints in the
exposed course.
» Underfire The floor of the firebox in a fireplace.
Underlayment A panel laid over a sub- floor to create a smooth, stiff surface for the application of finish flooring. Or, a water-resistant material applied under shingled roofing.
» Underpinning The process of placing new foundations beneath an existing structure.
» Unfinished bolt An ordinar y carbon steel bolt.
» Uniformly graded soil A special in- stance of a well-sorted soil in which the soil particles are mostly of one size.
» Uniform settlement Subsidence of the various foundation elements of a building at the same rate, resulting in no distress to the structure of the building.
» Unit-and-mullion system A curtain wall system consisting of prefabricated panel units secured with site-applied mullions.
» Unit skylight See Skylight.
» Unit system A curtain wall system consist- ing entirely of prefabricated panel units. Unreinforced Constructed without steel
reinforcing bars or welded wire fabric.
» Up–down construction A sequence of construction activity in which construc- tion proceeds downward on the sublevels of a building at the same time as it pro- ceeds upward
on the superstructure.
» Upside-down roof A membrane roof assembly in which the thermal insulation lies above the membrane.
U-stirrup An open-top, U-shaped loop of steel bar used as reinforcing against diagonal tension in a concrete beam.
Last Updated on Monday, 20 January 2014 11:49