Block Boards

We are offering Block Boards for our valuable clients. It is made out of excellent quality of plantation timbers. Logs are quarter sawn into planks using SDR method, which are chemically treated and well seasoned before converting into battens in a multiple ripsaw, battens are sandwiched between two glued mechanically dried veneers and are hot pressed under accurate temperature and pressure. Quarter sawing of logs and proper seasoning of glue line and preservative treatment of finished block board make it durable and safe against borers.

Ply Boards

PEEL Ply is a made from the premium quality of AA+ Gurjan Timber Logs. The single Core and panel Veneer is peeled with the latest technology of processing, machineries and innovation to get the accurate thickness and smoothness which in outcome gives No gap and overlapping to the finished product. Besides the cold and hot press process and the post resin treatment while manufacturing the plywood, put together makes it a termite and borer proof.