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iLiB - Intelligent Library


iLiB is Library management software for any kind of library for managing the Book issue, return etc. It has Virtual rack implementation and web interface for search/reserve, renew of any book. Budgeting, purchase of books, subscription of journal etc. are additionally optional E-Resource management and Digital Library module.

Library management system is a term for a computer based system that manages the catalogue of a library Computers have been used within libraries since the 60s; initially isolated tasks were automated, but these systems have evolved over the years and today they are used virtually for a wide range of complex tasks from the management of all the administrative and routine operations of libraries to information organization, storage and retrieval, communications and more.


It is a fully integrated system, which covers entire operation from Book purchase, addition, book-issue to book return management of Library. The member can do online registration, booking and renewal of books. Auto generation of Acquisition number & vendor code. Easy and quick searching of books using various options like subject wise, book- name wise, author-wise, publisher wise at click of mouse. Quick Alerts and remarks are generated automatically for the books, which are delayed, which helps librarian to track the record and transaction details.

It requires minimum operation once the data is entered. It has a unique facility where user can create the virtual rack structure (which is equivalent to the physical rack where the books are stored in the library like Computer rack, Engg. rack, etc) and can define fix the location of each book. Where it helps and guides the librarian to track book location or stack it back if the book returned is to be stored. Librarian can re-issue the book in single operation. Messages and remarks can be set on each transaction, make it more fast and easy to remember. Even facility to any special comments of Librarian. On certain records different colors automatically get marked for easy identification like pending books, delayed books, renewal books, etc.

Facility to send auto email to members as reminder for due date, Approval of their request for issuing through web, etc. Various reports are generated like pending list, issue history, member details, book-delay history, book-stock, etc for management reference. Automatic Subscription alerts are displayed if the magazine/journal, etc are not arrived or details are entered into basic masters. System has in-built facility to print the label with bar-code for each book, where it covers the information like book-id, Category, book name, rack location, date. And many more. Facility for article indexing & abstracting have scanned articles from various journals in separate.


» Online registration, booking and renewal of books
» Easy and quick searching of books
» Quick Alerts and remarks are generated automatically for the books
» Virtual rack structure
» Various reports are generation