Product List
- + Fly ash brick making Machine
- + Red clay brick making Machine
- + Paver making Machine.
- + Vibro forming paver and tile Plant
- + Hydraulic Press for Paper Cutting.
- + Scrap baling Machine
- + Pan Mixture
- + Ball Mill Drum
- + MS Mould For Paver
- + Vibrator Table For Reflective Paver
- + PVC Mould For Paver Tiles
STEEL CENTER is an company manufacturing wide range of hydraulic machines equipment used in industry like automatic / manual Fly ash Brick making machines, Automatic / Semi automatic Clay brick making machine, Hydraulic press for Paver & Tile making, Vibration table, Ball mill drum, Pan mixture, Paper cutting machine, Scrap belling machine, various types of Power Pack & Various types of Hydraulic Cylinders. The company also manufactures a wide range of PVC & M.S. moulds for Pavers & Tiles, Hollow block making machine. PARAS offer a single stop solution to its clients by offering the most varied range of these products and in largest possible sizes. To ensure this PARAS is continuously investing in its manufacturing capability as well as in development of new products & technologies..
STEEL CENTER founded by Mr. Hemchand Jain in year 1993. Paras made its beginning with manufacturing of Paver moulds, tiles moulds, and PVC moulds.Over the next decade manufacturing of Hydraulic Paver making machine & Tile making machine, Ball mill drum, Automatic Fly Ash Brick making machine.
Contact Detail
Paras Steel Center
Contact Person : Mr. Atul Jain, Mobile No : +91-09425073668, 09300073668, Mr. Abhishek Jain
Mobile No : +91-9301151000, Ph : 91 - 0731 - 4047085 / 6542085 ,
Email : aaatul_paras@rediffmail.com, parassteelcentre1@gmail.com Website : www.parassteelcenter.com