Perma Treat
Perma Treat is a colourless solvented silicon based liquid which imparts permanent water repellent effects to the walls,stones brick work and cement painted surfaces.
Primary Uses :
Perma Treat is used in following areas :
.To prevent dampening of walls due to rain
. To prevent leakages from brick, stone or concrete walls
. To stop the aging process of buildings
. To stop growth of algae, fungus etc. on walls
. Waterproofing of textured coatings and decorative finishes
Advantages :
. Perma Treat is a very strong water repellent
. It is colourless hence does not alter the natural finish of the buildings
. Once applied regular re-coating of paint can be avoided
. Perma Treat is effective for a period of 10 years
. Perma Treat is economical and easy to use
Packing :
perma treat is supplied in 1, 20 metal drum