IT Services

Pioneers in the industry, we offer Milk Distribution Management, Eye Bank Management, Blood Bank Management and Analog Clock from India.

Milk Distribution Management

Tools : VS 2008 (C#, SQL)

Description : Keep updated record of all the transactions of Milk Dairy. Projectupdates database whenever any transaction takes place in dairy, and generate respective slip.

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Eye Bank Management

Tools : VS 2008 (C#, SQL)

Description : Eye Bank Management is a software application to maintain day to daytransactions in Eye Bank. This software help to register all the donors, EyeTissue collection details, Eye Tissue issued details etc., the main objectiveof this application is to automate the complete operations of the Eye Bank.They need maintain hundreds of thousands of records. Also searching should bevery faster so they can find required details instantly.

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Blood Bank Management

Tools : VS 2008 (C#, SQL)

Description : Traditionally the data was handled manually so that proportion of errors was large and this wasthe major problem faced by any blood bank management that is why we developedthis software due to which errors were reduced. And it becomes easy to keeptrack of all important data, to save, update and search required data fromlarge data.

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Analog Clock

Tools : Core Java (JDK any version) MS Access

Description : Keep updated record of all the functions like alarm, reminder, international time setting function, clock time updating function etc. It also include the function of window shutdown where by setting particular time window will shut down automatically.

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