All the aspects of design and engineering are meticulously handled at our manufacturing facility which empowers us to provide quality products at an un-comparable value. We make a complete study of the Customers requirement and then suggest them with the best possible solution.
Our biggest promotion is done through our customers and this is a result of our thorough design and quality improvements that undergo continual improvements. Our association with our customers is not only at the conceptualization stage but even after the commissioning of the Project.
The success of our company can be measured by the amount of steel stored in its inventory even during the times of price hike. The organization is fully capable of undertaking the first stage of processing steel metal fabrication based upon the acquirement of 15 different machinery meant for rolling, punching, bending and sheet metal shearing.
A switchgear or electrical switchgear is a generic term which includes all the switching devices associated with mainly power system protection. It also includes all devices associated with control, metering and regulating of electrical power system. Assembly of such devices in a logical manner forms a switchgear. This is very basic definition of switchgear.