Our Profile
Batra Group and Suksam Company in modern Cooporation is established in 1972 when Mr. Luxman batra has attention towards physically disable persons and start working for them. Mr. Batra has found in analytical report says that Physically disable in our society are always depended on their Families in India and always wants to be the part of our modern fast growing society and hopeless to fulfill their dreams. So for helping Physically disable person Mr. Batra established create a Tricycle. It is helpful to the person who is physically disable he/she can be visit anywhere without the help of anyone. With Mr. Batra creation Tricycle is know denoted Free by every Govt .
Organization and Private Organization to Physical Disable Person .Mr. A.K.Sood was also very impress by the cause and work doing on this very important cause and also donated free Tricycles to the needed person. Today Many societies as well as state and central govt also working aginst the same cause to give confidence to such person who are physically disable and also distributing tricycles free to them.
After all that for getting public aware the situation about physically disable person on the day of International Physical Day Mr. Batra was organized programe which is Still working for this good cause. Today whole nation is working towards the same cause for the well being of physically handicap and having his survey in all state. But Mr. Batra Also started Creating Artificial Body parts for Pysically handicap person and also created other helpful products of handicaps to help them out and established his own value in the society and his name in top organization working against the cause and also playing a important role to do so.
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Contact Us
S.R Trust
Address :
H.F-392, Sceme No-54, Vijay Nagar, Indore (M.P)
Fax : 011-43852260
Mobile :9302103772
Email: srtrust@activeforall.co.in
Website: www.batrasgroup.com