Atlas Copco (India) Ltd.
We have been using your Down draft Dry type Spray Painting booth and Components Washing System and Painting Booths at our Construction Techniques Division since last 2007. The performance and quality of the system which you have supplied is excellent and performing well till date.We are also getting your best service support, as and when required.
Anant Dixit

Burckhardt Compressions
Subject: - Performance of Spray Painting Booth & amp; Paint Drying System We have installed your Spray Painting Booth and Paint drying oven in 2006. As requested by you, we confirm you that your both the equipment is working satisfactory till date as well as your after sales support. We treat you as partner and looking forward our long business association in the future.
Sanjay Pathak

Cummins India Limited
This is to certify that we have been using Washing Systems & Paint Finishing Systems for Engines from M/s Consultech Engineers Pvt.Ltd., Pune since 2008 and performing satisfactory till date. We are also getting good after sales support.
Ganesh Karpe

Essar Steel India Limited
This is to certify that we have Paint Handling System and Equipment's (Graco make) for Coil Coating Line, supplied by M/s Consultech Engineers Pvt.ltd., Pune, since 2005. The consistent performances of equipment's are satisfactory.
Head Procurement

Cummins Technologies
This is to certify that we have been using Paint Finishing Systems (2 nos) from M/s Consultech Engineers Pvt.Ltd., Pune since 2002 and performance is satisfactory till date. We are also getting good after sale support.
Dnyaneshwar Nandgirikar

Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.
Consultech Innova Pvt. Ltd. has been associated with us since last 6-7 years and successfully installed our various Paint Shops to Rajkot Plant, Khadki Plant, Nashik Plant and Kagal Plant. We appreciate your quality and performance of the Paint Shops and getting timely services to maintain the same.
A. P. Hardikar

Mahle Filter System (India) Limited
We have been using your Conveyorised Pain Shop for our filter paining facility along with phosphating plant since last 10 years. We are very happy about the performance of the entire system. The kind of support and services offered by you are really appreciable. We are also happy regarding the Electrostatic paint automation system for painting filter bowl recently installed by you.
S. B. Palande

Jotun India Private Limited
This is to certify that we have been using Lab Spray Painting Booth & Paint handling equipment's from M/s Consultech Engineers Pvt.Ltd., Pune since 2008. The consistent performances of the equipment's are satisfactory till date.
Rakesh Gangurde

Kirloskar Ferrus Industries Ltd.
This is to certify that we have been using Paint Finishing Systems for painting our various types of Castings from M/s Consultech Engineers Pvt.Ltd., Pune since last year and performing satisfactory till date. We are also getting good after sale support.
Sanjeev V. Kulkarni

Sulzer Pumps India Limited
We hereby certify that we are using your Down Draft Dry Spray Painting Booths – 2 Nos for painting our Pumps since last one year; we found that Spray Painting Booths are working satisfactory and giving consistent performance.
Prakash Kochrekar

Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.(Large Engine Plant)
We hereby certify that we are using Down Draft Spray Painting Booth (Dry) for painting our large engines, from Consultech Innova Pvt. Ltd. We are very happy about Consultech that they have completed this project within our schedule and performance of the Spray Painting Booth is extremely satisfactory.
M. V. Deodhar

Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd.
We hereby congratulate you and your team for providing your excellent co-operation & support during installation our Rajkot Plant. We are very happy to mention herewith that 'Consultech Innova Pvt. Ltd.' has designed, manufactured and installed our ' Engine Paint Finishing System' which is state of the art facility. We have observed its performance since installation and we found it satisfactory. We always expect something new dom Consultech. Wish you all good success in near future.
P. M. Patekar

Arabian Neon W.L.L.
This is to certify m/s Consultech Innova Pvt. Ltd. India has supplied us a state of the art Conveyorised & Automatic Powder Coating Plant as per our requirement & satisfaction We hereby appreciate Consultech teamfor their extraordinary effort to establish th e plan. We wish them all the success in near future
S. M. Ashraf
Yusuf Adenwala

Uttam Galva Steels Limited
This is to certify that we are using Paint Handling System and equipments (Graco Make) for Coil Coating Line, supplied by m/s Consultech Innova Pvt. Ltd. Pune since 2005. the performance of equipments are satisfactory. We treat you as our Partner and look forward for future business.