Tube Fittings Double Ferrule - Special Fitting

Vent Protector - NPT M

> TUBEFIT vent protectors, or more commonly known as the mud dauber fittings, protect open ends of instruments, tubing, outlet vents and bleed-off lines.The mesh wire screen prevents foreign particles such as mud dauber insects from entering and clogging various systems and causing damage.
> Standard materials are brass and stainless steel. Additional materials, sizes and fitting configurations are available on request.

Note :
• The E Dimension is the minimum opening.
• Dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change.
• NPT thread as per ANSI B 1.20.1

All part numbers are proprietary of their respective owners

Tubefit part no. Equivalent Part no. Type 1 Equivalent part no Type 2 NPT MALE PIPE SIZE P Ø E BODY HEX F L
4N-VPD MS-MD-4M 4MDF-SS 1/4 0.28 9/16 0.78
6N-VPD MS-MD-6M 6MDF-SS 3/8 0.41 11/16 0.81
8N-VPD MS-MD-8M 8MDF-SS 1/2 0.50 7/8 1.03
12N-VPD MS-MD-12M 12MDF-SS 3/4 0.72 1-1/16 1.06
16N-VPD MS-MD-16M 16MDF-SS 1 0.94 1-3/8 1.31