Nucleus of Nutrition
We are the Pioneers of L Glutamine Therapy in India since 1995
- Glutacap I Glutameal is the only co-transporter of all other amino acids hence Glutacap I Glutameal is called as "Mother of all amino acids".
- Glutacap / Glutameal is labeled as "conditionally essential" nutrient.
- Glutacap / Glutameal is fuel for enterocytes and immunocytes.
- Glutacap / Glutameal reduces Bacterial Translocation.
- Glutacap / Glutameal improves immunity.
- Glutacap / Glutameal preserves hepatic glutathione and prevents protein inadequacy.
- Glutacap I Glutameal —The only known intracellular antioxidant and immunostimulant.
- Glulacap / Glutameal improves immunity.
- Glulacap / Glutameal is master antioxidant.
- Glutacap I Glutameal is free radical scavenger at the site of origin.
Dose :
For muscle builder: Glutameal 1 Sachet Twice a day with 100m1 of Milk or Fruit Juice To obtain and maintain desired muscle building Glutameal Sachet should be taken regularly)
Availability :
Glutacap Capsules, Glutameal Fe Jar of 200g, Glutameal Sachet 6 sachets of 35g each. Dose : As directed by the physician.