Infrastructure - Production

Sr. No. | Name of Machine | Application | Spare Capacity |
1 | Lathe Machine 4.1/2 Feet | Tool Room | 2 Shifts |
2 | Lathe Machine 7 Feet | Tool Room | 2 Shifts |
3 | Univarsal Milling Machine | Tool Room | 2 Shifts |
4 | Spark Erosion Machine | Tool Room | 2 Shifts |
5 | CNC Vertical Milling Center | Tool Room | 1 Shifts |
6 | Surface Grinder | Tool Room | 2 Shifts |
7 | Power Press 10 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
8 | Power Press 20 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
9 | Power Press 30 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
10 | Power Press 50 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
11 | Power Press 50 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
12 | Power Press 80 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
13 | Power Press 100 T - Mechanical | Production | 2 Shifts |
14 | Plastic Injection Moulding Machine 50gm Capacity | Production | 2 Shifts |
15 | Plastic Injection Moulding Machine 100gm Capacity | Production | 2 Shifts |
Tool Room

Mold Building
After a mold design has been finalized, the project focus shifts to the tool room where the actual mold building process begins. Our mold makers have access the latest technology in part prototyping, CNC and EDM as well as to all of the traditional equipment such as mills, grinders, and lathes. In addition, should any difficulties arise, mold makers can consult with the actual mold designer who is right upstairs. This is the kind of collaboration and team work that has helped Sangameshwar Precision Works Pvt. Ltd. to complete over 1500 quality molds.
Mold Sampling
Before a mold can be officially approved to run production parts, it must be used to produce some samples which will then undergo a comprehensive testing process by the Quality Control Department.
One great advantage of building a mold at Sangameshwar Precision Works Pvt. Ltd. is that it will be sampled by experience process engineers that have in-depth knowledge of our presses and the resins that will be used. Our process engineers will also meticulously document each detail of the sampling process. This information will then be used later as the basis for setup instructions during subsequent production runs.
Mold Maintenance
Every mold stored and run here at Sangameshwar Precision Works Pvt. Ltd. is automatically included in our plant-wide preventive maintenance system. This realtime monitoring system allows us to create a custom set of preventive maintenance tasks for each mold that is based on actual cycles run. Our monitoring system notifies the appropriate personnel when a mold is ready for maintenance or cleaning. Our system ensures that molds last longer, have less downtime and produce quality parts.
Mold Repair
It is an inevitable part of the injection molding process that all molds will eventually need some type of repair. However, when that happens you want to be sure that the repair will be performed by only qualified personnel. At Sangameshwar Precision Works Pvt. Ltd. it is most likely that the actual person that built your mold will also be the one to repair it. In this way, we can ensure that the repair will be done correctly and that a complete repair and modification history can be maintained on site.