Clarifiers work on the principle of gravity settling. The heavier suspended solids settle in the clarifier. The settled solids are swept to the centre well provided for collection of sludge with help of moving scraper blades.
Many a times the natural settling is enhanced by addition of coagulant & polyelectrolyte. The coagulant neutralizes the charges & agglomerates the suspended solids to form micro-flocs. The polyelectrolyte brings together these micro-flocs binding them with long chains to make heavy flocs which easily settle down. Most of the waste waters contain some scum material which does not settle down & needs to be collected on the surface of the clarifier. Hence a scum removal arrangement is normally provided.
Clarifiers are settling tanks, built with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation. Sedimentation has been the mainstay process for solid-liquid separation in the wastewater industry since its inception. We combines technical and manufacturing expertise to provide quality solutions for every need.
Velocity of water being introduced into the clarifier gets reduced and clarifier increases the hydraulic retention time which indeed helps efficient separation of particles from water. Clarifiers are mainly used to reduce the suspended solids and the turbidity which are present in the water.
High Rate Solid Contact Clarifier is the most popular clarifiers in field of water treatment. They are preferred more than any other clarifier because they can handle large flow rate and provide better effluent quality outlet than other clarifiers.
We design and manufactures economical, efficient wide range of HRSCC for various and large industrial process. Solid contact clarifiers have the ability to act as both an enhanced flocculation device as well as a high rate chemical precipitator. Mixing, internal solids recirculation, gentle flocculation and gravity sedimentation are all combined into a single unit.
Lamella Clarifier is popularly known as tilted plate separator. They are designed to provide more settling area to the suspended particles in water. In Lamella Clarifier an appropriate number of inclined plates are arranged in a particular pattern to allow the influent distribution and self-cleaning of the settled solids. The Lamella Clarifier can be constructed in counter current, cross current or co current system based on the application.
The suspended solids present in the water settle on the inclined plates and slip gradually in the sludge collecting hopper bottom. The hopper bottom is periodically drained to flush out the suspended solids.
Our Lamella Clarifiers are compact, economical, well-engineered and efficient inclined plate type clarifier used for clarification of water having higher suspended and colloidal particles.
Overall plant footprint area can be reduced by 90% using this type of clarifier in order to remove the suspended solids. The compact design minimizes hydraulic disturbances caused by wind or temperature changes. Balanced flow distribution ensures equal flow to each plate and across the plate surface area preventing short-circulation.
Conventional clarification equipment requires 10 times more physical area to even begin to approach the same settling capacity of a Lamella clarifier. This means faster settling in one tenth the space because the effective gravity settling area of the inclined plate design equals each plate's area projected on a horizontal surface.
From Raw Water underground disinfected water needs to be lifted & it is further fed to the Flash mixer, through channel. Flash mixer is a high speed mixer which mixes the coagulation chemical instantly.
Coagulant chemical shall be selected according to raw water report. Then it goes into Flocculator. Flocculator is a slow speed mixer. In the flocculation chamber flocs are formed to enhance the settling process which is accomplished in the next unit i.e. Secondary settler.
The tube settler has hopper bottom. The water after coagulation is fed to the settler from bottom side & travels upwards. The surface area is increased by placing specific modules at inclined angle so that the contact time & surface area with water is increased.
The flocs formed after coagulation slide down the inclined modules into the hopper bottom & clear liquid overflows into the clear water sump through collection troughs. The flocks settle at the bottom & form sludge having precipitate chemical contaminant which is drained out periodically & led to the common drain chamber.
The tube settler has hopper bottom. The water after coagulation is fed to the settler from bottom side & travels upwards. The surface area is increased by placing specific modules at inclined angle so that the contact time & surface area with water is increased.
The flocs formed after coagulation slide down the inclined modules into the hopper bottom & clear liquid overflows into the clear water sump through collection troughs. The flocks settle at the bottom & form sludge having precipitate chemical contaminant which is drained out periodically & led to the common drain chamber.
From Raw Water underground disinfected water needs to be lifted & it is further fed to the Flash mixer, through channel. Flash mixer is a high speed mixer which mixes the coagulation chemical instantly.
Coagulant chemical shall be selected according to raw water report. Then it goes into Flocculator. Flocculator is a slow speed mixer. In the flocculation chamber flocs are formed to enhance the settling process which is accomplished in the next unit i.e. Secondary settler.