ZLD is a water treatment process in which wastewater is treated, purified and further recycled. The ZLD process completely eliminates liquid discharge from industry thus reduces & eliminates possibility of pollution discharge concerns & regulatory disposal norms. A well-designed Zero Liquid Discharge System (ZLD System) is used to minimize the volume of liquid waste that requires treatment, while also producing a clean stream suitable for use elsewhere in the plant processes. A common ZLD approach is to concentrate the wastewater through well designed multiple membrane systems and then dispose of it as a liquid brine or further crystallize the brine to a solid.
A typical evaporator (MEE) uses tube-style heat exchangers. The evaporated water is recovered and recycled while the brine is concentrated to a higher solids concentration. Concentrated brine treatment is done in a crystallizing system, such as Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD) or a spray dryer. Crystallized solids in most of the cases is categorised as hazardous waste and disposed off periodically. We offer our clients Zero Liquid Discharge Systems designed on advanced user friendly technologies.
Apex Ecotech is known as well recognised and of the best ZLD (zero liquid discharge) Supplier. We offer zero liquid discharge (ZLD) plant with advanced ZLD treatment process with minimal operations & delivers best ZLD performance. Our past rich ZLD projects expertise has rated us one of the best ZLD supplier in India. Our system integration have an extra edge while comparing with rest of the best available ZLD suppliers.