
Grow-Agro Biozyme has enzymes and hormones which develops all the parts of the plant like roots grow deeper and stronger, healthy plants, increase in the number of fruits and flower, balanced development of the plant in adverse conditions.
Using grow-Agro Granules, increases the activity and number of microbes. Increases productivity of land and helps plants absorbs nutrient elements. High quality yield with an increase of 20%-30% is obtained.

Amino Acid Mixture

Grow-agro Acid is a New Biotechnological Discovery having 17 natural amino acids. Its totally degradable and eco-Friendly. Lt is non-toxic and harmless and therefore its storage and sprinkle doesn’t involves any risk. It can be used easily with any insecticides, fungicides and weedicides. But it should not be mixed with sulphur and copper. It works like a natural chelating agent and increases the adsorption of major. Secondary and micro elements by plants.

Bio Humic Acid 12%

Dry Leaves. Grass, organisms, insects etc die and after degradation they become a past of soil . after Their degradation process is complete the product formed is the combined form of humic acid, which is a natural organic material. The profits gained by the use 1liter of Humic acid is equal to that of 10000 Kg. of cow dung manure (1 Truck).

Dhoom Flower(Liquid Nitro Bengene 20%.)

Grow-agro Dooms Flower is a new product involving biotechnology which has 20% nitrobenzene mixture. Lt increases the number of flowers in tree. Which leads to larger number of fruits and higher productivity. It can be used and mixed with any insecticide , fungicide and weedicide.

P.S.B. (Phoshorus Soluble Bacteria).

During growth period some organisms produce organic acids. They convert unavailable, unsolubilized phosphorus present in the soil to soluble phosphorus and makes available to the plants. Such microbes are called Phosphorus Solubilizers (PS).


Of The total Nitrogen Chemical fertilizers which are used on land only 30-35% is used by plants. All the farmers cannot afford these fertilizers . in these condions biofertilizers can be used, not depending on the chemicals maintaining the productivity and quality of the land. Nitrogen obtained from azactobacter costs only 50 paisa per kg in comparison to chemical fertilizers which can cost up to 6 Rs / kg.

Grow-Agro-Trichoderma viride

Trichoderma is widely distributed in soil, it, is parasitic fungi and easily found in all parts of the country. It acts against certain dangerous diseases and microbes like pyrilla. Milibug. Cutworm, wilt, root rot, karpa. Pyrilla damping off trichoderma controls all these effectively and hence it is very useful. It is a zero residue fungicide and so Trichoderma is acclaimed internationally as an excellent microbe.

Growzyme 'G' granule

Grow-Argo Organic Manre Mixture

With the ever increasing population of our country, the demand of food is also increasing. So to cope up with the food requirements Indian farmers are using more and more chemical fertility and insecticides which is decreasing the natural ability of the earth to produce, as the natural elements and our depleting fast. We are staking the lives of our children problem. Grow-Argo mixture retains the natural elements of earth that never de achieved by chemical fertilizers.