Video player

—  Responsive YouTube and Vimeo video players inside lightbox triggered by specially styled button.

Play button with label

Click me to watch video!
<!-- Play button triggers lightbox with video player -->
<a href="" class="video-player-btn my-3 mr-3" data-fancybox data-width="1000" data-height="563">
  <i data-feather="play"></i>
<span class="video-player-label">Click me to watch video!</span>
// Play button triggers lightbox with video player
a(href="", data-fancybox, data-width="1000", data-height="563")
  i(data-feather="play") Click me to watch video!

On top of the image

Click me to watch video!
<!-- Play button on top of the image -->
<div class="position-relative bg-size-cover bg-position-center text-center py-5" style="background-image: url(path-to-image);">
  <span class="bg-overlay" style="opacity: .1;"></span>
  <div class="bg-overlay-content px-3 py-5 my-sm-5">
    <a href="" class="video-player-btn my-3 mr-3" data-fancybox data-width="1000" data-height="563">
      <i data-feather="play"></i>
    <span class="video-player-label text-white opacity-90">Click me to watch video!</span>
// Play button on top of the image"background-image: url(path-to-image);")"opacity: .1;")
    a(href="", data-fancybox, data-width="1000", data-height="563")
    br Click me to watch video!