Green Chemistry
Over the past several years, there has been considerable discussion about green chemistry, green engineering and sustainability. Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that are more environmentally benign and reduce negative impacts to human health and environment. Environmental organizations such as EPA, LEED, SCAQMD and Green Seal have established a number of standards for Green coatings.
Given that the primary function of coatings is to provide protection and thus extend the life of such surfaces, Cipy green coatings meet the minimum parameters such as product performance, chemical component restrictions and maximum allowable limits of VOC.
Cipy green coatings do not contain toxic substances such as lead, litharge, chromes, heavy metals and any of the confirmed carcinogens, as defined by ACGIH 0100 Doc. VOC concentrations of Cipy green coatings do not exceed the maximum limits as determined by EPA.
Green roofs
As a part of green chemistry, Cipy has developed green chemistry based Cool Roof systems. A cool roof system is the one that reflects solar radiation and emits thermal radiation and keeps a building cooler and helps reducing air-conditioning costs. Cipy Cool Roof coating system has high SRI ranging from 90-100 which is advantageous in tropical regions, thereby earning a few LEED credits in the Green building design. Cipy's SRI roofing system consists of a SPF thermal insulating PU foam, a waterproofing layer of PU elastomeric membrane and an aliphatic PU based, UV stable solar reflective top coating.
Cipy green coatings and systems are based on green chemistry and designed to meet all the parameters required for green performance. They are specifically designed to protect and decorate concretes and metals in order to reduce negative impacts on human health and environment and are greener than conventional organic solvent based formulations. Green chemistry employs waterborne PUDs, waterborne epoxies, solvent-free urethanes and epoxies based on renewable energy sources