• We at Dhananjay Group are committed to attain leadership in all the areas of operations. Our Endeavour is just not limited to meet but also to exceed the customer expectations on product quality, costs and services.

  • People work best when there is a sense of ownership and the feeling that it is a collaborative effort. Our philosophy is to empower each individual to take his own decisions in his defined field, so that he can add to the growth

  • At Dhananjay Group, there is an emphasis on self-governance and the Group has chosen to create flatter structures.By Unleashing employee creativity, responsibility and productivity, the effort has been to harness the positive energies into making Dhananjay Group a systeam oriented organisation.

  • Dhananjay Group has six companies,each of which takes pride in being professionally driven. The organization is divided into six units or Strategic Business Units (SBUs), and each SBU head has the overall responsibility for his operations.