We, at Dutta Control have successfully combined all three units i.e. Air Filter, Air Pressure Regulator and Air Lubricator in one single unit without compromising on any of the functions. It contains double diverter vane to give cyclonic motion to the air for effective moisture separation. The self-relieving diaphragm type regulator, regulates the outgoing air pressure inspite of wide fluctuations in the incoming air pressure. The proportionate oil to the compressed air in a precisely metered quantity.
The pressure drop that occurs when the air flows through a venturi nozzle is used to convey oil from a reservoir to the drip cap. From here, the oil drips through a syphon tube into an air passage. As the oil leaves the syphon tube, It is atomised by the flowing air. Oil can be filled without closing the air supply. The drip rate is regulated using an adjusting screw. For general use, the factory sets it at 6 drops per minute.