First Client

In those days there were hardly two or three companies manufacturing Bottling Plants and that too of a very small capacity and with minimum automation.

Duke & Sons Pvt. Ltd., were looking for a high speed Bottle Washer to fulfill their expansion needs. With faith in Young Engineers, Dukes decided to place the first order with HILDEN to build a Bottle Washer of 20 wide with a capacity 300 bottles per minute. The machine was the first of its kind to be build in India with indigenous technology. The first machine of HILDEN was installed on 15th August, 1973 – the 26th INDEPENDENCE Day of India. Thereafter, there was no looking back for HILDEN or for DUKES. Machine after machine was built of higher capacities with better performance. It can be seen from our list of clients that DUKES has major supplies from HILDEN.

HILDEN ALWAYS ACKNOWLEDGES Dukes as their GOD FATHER and refers to the DUKES plant in BOMBAY as their Show Room.