VCI Powder Pouch is an efficient and dry method of protecting ferrous & non-ferrous metals and electrical/electronic contact points from corrosion/oxidation when packed in enclosed containers and boxes, cabinets, polythene bags and cartons. VCI Powder is especially suitable for protection of spare parts/components packed in poly bags due to ease of insertion either manually or with a dispenser. It provides a mono-molecular protective layer on metal surfaces guarding against oxidation and corrosion.

Application Areas :

Protection of ferrous and non-ferrous metals against corrosion under adverse conditions including contaminants in air such as hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, ammonia or acid rain


Key Features:

  • Offers protection to a wide range of ferrous & non-ferrous metals - Under normal conditions offers protection up to 24 months - Molecular VCI layer does not affect electrical/optical/mechanical surface properties - Gives protection when equipment is in storage, transit and when in operation - Effective in polluted and humid atmosphere - Protects hard to reach areas such as drilled holes, crevices etc - Easy to insert in a package and safe to handle - Not harmful to humans and is environment friendly - Available in customized gram images and sizes - Does not require activation / removal prior to usage

Available In: 5 gm pouch

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