Product List
- Precision Nuts
- Bolts And Screws of all Sorts
- Industrial Fastener Turned
- Bright Steel Bars & Sections
- Machined Components
- Rivets
KCS Engineering has been in the business of manufacturing different types of Nuts, Bolts, Screws, Rivets, washers, Industrial Fasterners and Bright steel bars, and other Products.
We KCS Engineering Works, are a popular name in the manufacturing & supplying of all kind of fasteners and turned components Precision Nuts, Bolts & Screws of all Sorts, Machined Components and Bright Steel Bars & Sections that are carefully matched by designs to ensure exceptional performance in all operating conditions. Our company keeps itself abreast of the latest developments in trends and technologies in the automobile industry so as to constantly incorporate them in our range of products. We are also enjoying the clientage of the leading automobile groups of India for the last twenty-six years. We are quality conscious company, which believes in delivering quality equipments to our esteemed clients in automobile & related industries. Apart from that, our company is led by Mr.Nitin Sharma, whose managerial skills had helped us to reach this height of success. His intense knowledge in this field and our employees combine dedications have pave the way of success for our company.


Contact Detail
KCS Engineering Works
Bhopal- 462023 (M.P.) INDIA
Contact Person : Mr. Nitin Sharma ( General Manager), Mobile No : +(91)-9826290832
Ph : +(91)-755-4273728, 4226759, Fax: +(91)-755-2586336
Email : Nitinsharma@kcsrngg.com, kcsengg@yahoo.com