Slotted Angle Shelving
We are manufacturer, conforming to IS:8081 76 Specifications from the best quality of raw material conforming to S:5115:73/IS:1079:73 specification. Standard paint finish is etch-primed and stove enameled to BS:2660 Battleship-Grey. Bolts, Nuts & washers are electroplated to IS:3655:1966 specification.
Most Useful For The Assembly Of Racks, Open Type & Closed Type Pigeonhole Racks. Two Tier & Three Tier Storage Structures, Mezzanine Floors, Sheds, Ramps, Huts, Platforms, Performing Stages, Staircases, Trolley, Work Benches, Library Stacks, etc.
- Size :
- Thickness :
- Length :
- '40 x 40' / '60 x 40' / '80x40'
- '0.90' / '1.2' / '1.6' / '1.8' / '2.0' / '2.3' / '2.5'
- 1.8 mtr / 2.0 mtr / 2.5 mtr / 3.0 mtr