Supplying seeds/plants with the agro products
Buy-back of the quality produce with yearly/seasonal rate contracts (better than the local rates)
Selling the local quality produce in nearby market places or accumulating the produce and selling it at
bigger markets
In short, creating own sales, supply and distribution chain to create a win-win situation for all involved,
i.e. from farmers till the consumers
Having Own farms within the group
Production of the quality produce organically
Selling the own quality produce in nearby market places or accumulating the produce and selling it at
bigger markets
In short, creating own production, supply and distribution chain to create a win-win situation for all
involved, i.e. from self groups till the consumers
Having Own Dairy farms within the group
Production of the quality Organic Milk and Value added Organic Manure
Selling the own quality produce of Milk & Organic Manure in nearby market places or accumulating the
Milk and selling it at bigger markets
In short, creating own production, supply and distribution chain to create a win-win situation for all
involved, i.e. from self groups till the consumers
Having Own Wormy Compost Production facility within the group
Production of the quality Organic Wormy Compost
Selling self produced organic Wormy Compost to nearby farmers
In short, creating own production, supply and distribution chain to create a win-win situation for all
involved, i.e. from self groups till the consumers.