As Hyundai authorised dealership for Material Handling Equipment. The product variety comprises of Battery, LPG, Petrol and Diesel versions. The capacity varies form 1.5 ton up to 25 ton ( in Diesel version) from 1 ton up to 5 Ton (for Battery version), and 1 ton up to 7 ton ( LPG version). the models are extremely versatile in application and low on maintenance. They are also having comprehensive range of Warehousing products, Tow trucks , Stackers,Order Pickers, Pallet trucks and several other equipment for Material Handling operations. Hyundai products come with
Are Highly economic in operation, recover the capital cost soon
Diesel Forklift - 1000 kg to 25,000 kg lifting capacity
Battery Forklifts available 1000 kg - 5000 kg
Forklift Trucks
LPG / Petrol Forklift
Environmentally - Friendly
Revolutionizing the productivity in the material industry!
Maximize the productivity of your business with our powerful and agile electric trucks. With our vast experience in the production of construction equipment, Hyundai is able to meet the demands of our consumers. 40TA-7/15PA-7, produced by Hyundai are not only economical, environmentally friendly and allow for convenient maintenance, but their improved maneuverability and quiet operation make our products the most widely-used towing maintenance truck in trade and distribution companies around the world.
After successful Launch of Forklifts, Reach trucks and selling record number of units in short time,Class III products have also been launched by Hyundai with world class range of Battery Operated Pallet Trucks, Stackers, Hand Pallet trucks of wide varieties. The units are rugged and versatile in application , proven and tested. Units are air and dust tight, strong chasis,rigid frame and reliable electrical system make them leaders in their class.
Forklift Trucks
Electric Pallet Truck
Electric Pallet Truck (Rider Type)
Electric Pallet Truck with Double Pallet (Rider Type)
Electric Stacker
Electric Stacker
Manual Hand Pallet Truck