HVAC Products / Sound Attenuators - Cylindrical Type

Sound Attenuators - Cylindrical Type

Series: CS-GB-30
Construction: Galvanized Steel
Application: Low Leakage

Sound attenuators are devices used to attenuate loud noises.The cylindrical type attenuators are designed for handling maximum air capacities at minimum pressure drop. The attenuators can operate at velocities upto 1600 fpm (8 m/sec.) and 2" w.g. (500Pa) pressure. They are installed vertically or horizontally and rated for airflow and leakage as per DW-144 class C. These attenuators are installed in the duct work between spaces, which provide noise reduction of air borne noise to at least match the sound transmission loss of the separating structure. The cylindrical type Attenuators can be used where there is a demand for large amount of low frequency attenuation.