• darkblurbg
    Welcome To Raptech Engineering
    providing precise, customised and rapid solutions
    to the automotive manufacturing industry.
  • darkblurbg
    Raptech Engineering
    Through a work culture of continuous improvement and timely delivery, we always aim to provide
    thoughtful solutions to your complex requirements.
  • darkblurbg
    Raptech Engineering
    Addressing any concerns of the client and providing
    them with optimum solutions is our commitment.
  • darkblurbg
    We're Creative Team
    We love to work. It is a drive that comes
    from both – our integrity towards our job and the
    urge to serve the clients earnestly and promptly.
  • darkblurbg
    Equipped Shop Floor
    Proficient Personnel
    Multiple Capabilities Buit with continous upgradation
    of Machines workflow and knowledge


Raptech Engineering, an entity formed in 2011, carries forward the founding ethos and continues to grow in size and value. We strive to transform our experience and integrity into consistently accurate products and reliable services. Our objective is to make your job easier and playing our part - with rapid precision and tangible reliability.


The infrastructure of Raptech Engineering is built with an acute understanding of the needs of the industry. We are located in an industrial zone in Pune, in a sprawling area of 15,000 square feet. The facility is equipped with machines that can perform complex tasks, logically arranged ....

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At Raptech, we understand the value of speed in the manufacturing industry. We keep our business processes crisp; a special team takes care of the quotation and proposal process. This not only helps you make a faster decision, but also keeps up the momentum after the initial discussions .....

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Mr. Sitaram Borhade founded Nitin Engineering in 1990, with adaptability, flexibility and quality as the founding values. In our work culture, we have imbibed the dictum of treating our clients as guests and collaborators. A conscious effort towards consistency and innovation are also at ....

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Raptech Engineering is a prolific enterprise dedicated to providing precise, customised and rapid solutions to the automotive manufacturing industry. With exhaustive infrastructure, logical work flow and end-to-end processes, we host products in over 8 important categories. Through a work culture of continuous improvement and timely delivery, we always aim to provide thoughtful solutions to your complex requirements.

Raptech began as a dream of Mr. Sitaram Borhade, a machine operator who set up Nitin Engineering in 1990. The company with one Lathe Machine was transformed through the values of assurance, dedication and a thrust on technically precise solutions. With an attitude of partnering with our clients for mutual growth, we have grown into a project management company that maintains international standards of manufacturing and delivery.

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One of our founding ethos, quality is something to which we pay intense attention. Right from the design to manufacturing to quality control, we adopt quality as a process and not something of an add-on. A clear understanding of the requirements and careful implementation make quality a consistent feature of our products.

Fixturing Solutions

Fixtures are crucial to any automotive manufacturing company. They not only ensure precision and robustness in the manufacturing process, but also make products uniform and interchangeable....

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Paint Shop Solutions

Like fixtures, sturdy Paint Shop Jigs are essential to ensure even and flawless painting of vehicle bodies. At Raptech, Paint Shop Solutions are manufactured in a systematic and tested way.....

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Material Handling Trolleys

Customised Material Handling Solutions As manufacturing industries have grown bigger, material handling has become more innovative and sophisticated. Raptech provides a variety of solutions......

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Special Purpose Machines

Automotive Manufacturing Industry works on a number of vehicles with specific features. The manufacturing, in turn, has to be customised to provide the best solution.....

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Precision Components

Precision Machine Components, though tiny in appearance, play an important role in the manufacturing industry. For their functionality to be consistent and precise,......

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Conveyors & Automation

Speed has surely evolved to be the differentiating factor for automotive manufacturing industries. Automation in assembly line helps companies to increase the production...

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Vehicle Assembly Tools

Vehicle Assembly Tool manufacturing is a highly customised and detailed job at Raptech. We understand that Vehicle Assembly is a critical part of automotive manufacturing....s

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Plastic Molding Components

In our endeavour to innovate and offer our clients more, Raptech has developed tools that enhance manufacturing operations. Engine Protection Caps is a special product......

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We provide customised, precise and quality solutions to
the automotive and logistic industries.


Raptech and BLOKSMA is an organic partnership with the ethos of Collaboration at the basis of both the organisations’ work culture. Mutual admiration and respect for each other’s work has developed a bond of trust between us. With a systematic approach, we are promoting BLOKSMA products in the Indian market and simultaneously expanding Raptech in the European market through BLOKSMA. The eventual objective, of both the companies, remains to ensure mutual growth and serving the client with the finest products.


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