Copper Welding and Aluminium Welding Cables made from TRS (Tough Rubber Sheated) and HOFR (Heat Oil Fire Resistance rubber) are avilable in ISI quality.
Product Code: CC1
For quite some time, tungsten manufacturers have added an oxide to pure tungsten to improve the arc starting characteristics and the longevity of welding electrodes. While 2% thoriated tungsten has been the most commonly used tungsten material for many years, this electrode type is increasingly being scrutinized because of concerns for the environment and for the safety of users of this material. The concerns arise from the fact that the element thorium is radioactive. On this basis, many organizations have evaluated alternative tungsten types to see what changes in performance they would see by transitioning to non-radioactive tungsten.
Now the best Hose Pipes in 50 meters pack Twin Hose Both ends crimpled with Nut & Nipple. DURA-COR brand.
Screen Welding Safety Helmet
Product Code: SS03