Ocean Deluxe
Reverse Osmosis is a process of water filtration, under high pressure using special membrane to remove suspended, hard, dissolved, bacterial and chemical impurities up to 0.0001 micron (1micron=1/1000mm) from water. Tap water containing dissolved heavy mineral salts flow through a semi-permeable RO membrane, which remove hardness and dissolved contaminants, molecule by molecule Tap water. The result is pure and tasty water.
Ocean RO
Ocean Ro is a Home RO Drinking water system. It provides you the quality of bottled minaeral water produced at your home. It removes all type of impurities in the water. Including filteration trrough RO membrance giving the fresh clear, natural mineral water dialy. RO is a process of water filtaration, under high pressure using special membrance to remove suspended, hard, dissolved
The treated purified water free from all impurities and toxic chemiclas is collected in an air-tight storage tank ready for consumpstion. The toxic chemicals, germs and dissolved heavy salts are drained to give safe, contamination free drinking water.