1 | Testo Thermal Image Model –
875-1 - 2 Sets![]() |
Temperature Range -200 to 2800C Thermal Sensitivity - 0.080C at 300C 320x240 Uncooled Amorphous Silicon Microbolometer (FPA) |
2 | Fluke 434/435 Power Quality
Analyzer 4 Sets![]() |
3 Phase 4 Wire with i. 3 nos. 10 mA to 5 Amp CT's – 1 Set ii. 4 nos. of 40/400 Amp – 2 Sets iii. 4 nos. 200/2000 Amp Flexible CT's – 1 Set iv. 4 nos. 30/300/3000 Amp CT's – 1 Set Recording Parameters: Voltage, Current, Frequency, Harmonics/Inter Harmonics up-to 50th, THD of V, I and KW with K Factor, Transients, Voltage Sag-Swells, All Power Parameters, Inrush Currents, Load Unbalance, Flicker Recording etc. enabling graphical, vectorial, numerical representation, trending of data, monitoring of events etc. |
3 | Fluke Make![]() |
5 Amp CTs: 2 Sets |
4 | Fluke/LEM VLOGQ Voltage Quality
Recorder – 3 Nos![]() |
Recording Parameters: Voltage, Frequency, Harmonics/Inter Harmonics up-to 50th, THD of V, Transients, Voltage Sag-Swells, Flicker Recording etc. enabling graphical, numerical representation, trending of data, monitoring of events etc. |
5 | ![]() |
Hand held Ultrasonic Flow Meter Flow range: -16m/s to + 16m/s |
6 | ![]() |
Fluke Make Geo Earth Ground Test Kit Stackless, Soil Resistivity by 3 and 4 point method, Online Eath Pit Resistance Tester |
7 | Digital Power Meter | Single Phase/Three Phase 700Amp. Recording Parameters: All Power Parameters |
8 | Single Phase Power Harmonics and Leakage Tester | Meco (Extech) Make |
9 | Digital Anemometer | Measurement of CFM Parameters |
10 | Digital Temperature and RH Indicator | Recording Parameters: Temperature and RH Values |
11 | Electro Magnetic Field Tester | Lutron Make Recording Parameters: Critical Electromagnetic Field |
12 | Infrared Temperature Indicator | 2 Nos. Reytak & Fluke Make Recording Parameters: Hot Spot Identification and Temperature Variations |
13 | Lux Meter | Lutron Make Recording Parameters: Lux Level |
14 | Digital Camera | 2 Nos. Sony Make with (Still and Movie Facility) |
15 | Digital Multimeter | Digital Multimeter Single Phase, 1000 Amp. Recording Parameters: All Voltage and Current Parameters |
16 | Digital Taco Meter | Infrared and with contact RPM and Speed measurement. |
17 | Sling Psychrometer | Dry and Wet Bulb Temperature measurement. |