V R Art Furniture Pvt. Ltd. is a private limited company promoted by two dynamic young persons having large history in furniture business. Currenly, the business is run by the directors in their individual names which will be takenover by the company.
V R Enterprises is one of the biggest showroom of imported furniture having an elaborate area of 75,000 sq. feet in Satara, 15,000 sq.ft in Pune, 12,000 sq.ft. factory in Satara and warehouses admeasuring approx. 39,000 sq. ft, in Satara. It is having projection of 3,31,000 sq. feet Project in Satara.
Company deals in wholesale and retail of all types of imported furniture. All types of quality and attractive furniture is available in showrooms.
There are more than 5000 Products on Display which are imported from Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Thailand and Srilanka.