CREATIVE CARVE PRIVATE LIMITED (CCPL) is happy to present a brief insight in to its present profile and operations.
CCPL was registered in the year 1985 with Registrar Of Companies. Operations were located in PUNE the cultural capital of Maharashtra state in India.
Since then the company has progressed steadily to target turnover of Rs. 100 Million in the year 2005-06.
CCPL has continuously updated manufacturing facilities to maintain quality and economy in its operations. In the year 2006-07 it has completed setting up of an international level manufacturing plant five times the present one.
About Creative Carve Pvt Ltd.
CCPL is a closely held family business.
Company is in the business of manufacturing Precision machined components having application in automobile industry, defense sector and other engineering areas.
Secret of it's success lies in CUSTOMER SATISFACTION achieved through the Quality standards and Service. While maintaining the highest quality standards, economy in operations has always been taken care of.
CCPL is ISO 9001-2000 certified since 10thSeptember, 2002 (Registered no. RQ91/856).
The unit enjoys SELF CERTIFICATION status at most of it's customers.
Components manufactured by us have found 100% acceptance with Automobile OEMs, Defense and Overseas OEM's in Italy, UK and USA (supplied to overseas market through our domestic customers).