Zalim-X-Malam is a unique remedy for Ringworm, Itches, Scabies, Eczema, Fungal infections between fingers and toes, corns, dermatitis, psoriasis etc. As Zalim-X-Malam is an ayurvedic formulation it is free from any harm or side effect on the skin. Along with that it is very easy to apply, doesn't have any side effect and doesn't leave any stain on clothes.
Due to its ingredients and their effective properties Zalim-X-Malam eradicates skin diseases from root :
Method of Application:
Clean the infected part with lukewarm water. Apply Zalim-X-Malam at the infection very gently thrice a day. Keep the part open and don't put bandage. Zalim-X-Malam would show the positive change within a week's time.
Your pack of Zalim-X-Malam is available in attractive 14 gm plastic pack.