CANARA's belt conveyors are designed based on is -4776, IS - 8597 and CEMA standards. Belt conveyors are capable of handling a wide variety of bulk materials. They are suitable for handling certain corrosive material that quickly attack parts of an all - metal Conveyor.
The range of sizes of material that may be handled on Belt Conveyor is limited only by the width of handled on Belt Conveyor is limited only by the width of the belt and the materials may vary from very fine chemicals to lump ore, stone, coal or dry and dusty as well as those that are sticky or have a tendency to pack due to moisture.
Belt conveyors are generally are so - called self cleaning units when handling fairly dry materials; if materials are slightly damp or very fine, a very light film of material may be found on the return run if the chemical make up of the material has a slight affinity for the rubber cover. Belt Conveyors are very durable when handling such materials as crushed stone, sand or gravel.
CANARA's powerised and un powerised based on IS - 5895 and CEMA Standards. Roller conveyors are line restricted device and consist of rollers mounted between two side members.
Bearings are usually incorporated in the idlers to cut down the mechanical losses.
An unpowered gravity roller conveyor is set at an appropriate incline and goods move down it by gravity. In power unit normally an electric motor drive the rollers via. Chains or belt, providing controlled movement of goods.
CANARA's screw conveyors are designed based on IS - 5563 and CEMA standards.
CANARA's manufacturers screw conveyors of almost every type & size, in various diameters, thickness of flight.
Screw conveyor are fabricated in M.S., SS and various alloy materials. In screw conveyor transportation of bulk material is achieved by the rotation of a tubical screw, thus moving the material axially in a through or tube.
CANARA's bucket elevators are designed based on IS-7054, IS-6833. Bucket elevators handle practically all loose materials if lumps are not too large for the buckets. Depending upon the type of discharge. "CANARA" manufacturers bucket elevators in three type :
- Continuous discharge Belt / Chain type
- Centrifugal discharge Belt / Chain type
- Positive discharge Belt / Chain type
Your search for an ideal FRP Cooling Tower ends here. "IHE ULTIMATE - CANARA" FRP COOLING TOWER is uniquely designed, engineered & manufactured for high performance reliability durability & trouble free operation.