Canara manufactures timber cross flow cooling towers with vide varieties of splash fills. Poor water quality problems are no problem with cross flow timber cooling towers.
The cooling towers are heavy duty designed for Industrial applications, and specially suitable for dirty circulating water , as the splash bars do not clog easily.
The timber is chemically pressure treated after fabrication , using CCA chemicals by the full cell process to a minimum chemical retention of 12 kg/m3 , as per IS – 401 Code , to protect the wood from decay & attack by termites and other micro organisms, to get a longer life.
The Treated lumber is the most economical materials used in cooling towers. The chemically treated timber can withstand high levels of chlorides , sulfates and hydrogen sulfide.
Canara manufactures & exports PFX – series Pultruded Fiber Glass Crossflow cooling towers since 2000. These towers designed according to specific project specifications confirming to CTI – STD 137 & 152.
Pultruded FRP Crossflow cooling tower design without question , the best Crossflow cooling towers available in the market today. The Pultruded FRP cooling tower design that offers the most effective and efficient cooling solutions at an economical price. These towers are perfect fit in a variety of Industrial applications from power plants, Oil Refineries , process plants & HVAC installations.
Versatile and efficient pultruded fiber glass structure is resistant both to chemical and biological attack which makes it ideal for the inherent harsh operating condition of the cooling tower environment.
Our Pultruded FRP Crossflow cooling towers are environmentally friendly alternative, which features no chemical leaching from the structural members into circulating water.
The Pultruded FRP Crossflow cooling tower are fitted with variety PVC V splash bars to splash opti grid and Turbo splash fills , suitable for the poorest of the water quality.
The hardware & base anchors of the cooling tower are supplied in stainless steel 304 or 316 or Silicon bronze for sea water applications . Pultruded fiber glass has advantages over conventional cooling tower materials of construction like concrete, wood, steel etc.
Canara manufactures & exports concrete (RCC) double crossflow cooling towers using vide varieties of splash fills selected based upon the circulating water quality, either for fresh water or sea water application.
Generally, reinforced cement concrete cooling towers are constructed as per the requirement of the customers. These towers are either offered on a turnkey basis by Canara or Civil construction can be in the customer's scope. However, detailed Engineering for RCC construction is offered by Canara. Designing and construction is done in accordance with Indian Standards (IS) or American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards.
Normally, for Sea water application special RCC structure of the Corrosion prevention system (impressed current corrosion prevention system) is required. This system protects the reinforcing steel and concrete from degradation due to corrosion and designed for a life of 50 years. The concrete surface is coated with special protection paints like Polyurethane to protect from sea water.
Counterflow Cooling Towers
Canara manufacturers & exports UT series Packaged, FRP cooling towers are small coutnerflow cooling towers generally Preassembled in factory and delivered to site as a package or module. They requires less field , site assembly with the same characteristics of working principals as the large cooling towers, packaged cooling tower are for smaller water flows.
The Ultimate – Canara FRP counterflow cooling towers are uniquely designed, engineered & manufactured for high performance , reliability , durability & trouble free operation.
The UT series FRP cooling towers are having PVC film fills generally of 12 mm flute for cleaner circulating waters. For slightly bad water quality normally film fills of 19 mm flute sizes are used . For hot water temp above 60 deg. C ABS film fills are used. However for bad quality circulating water PP Turbo splash fills or PP ring fills are used. These are also suitable for higher hot water temperature.
Canara manufacturers & exports UTR series Packaged , Round bottle FRP cooling towers are small counterflow cooling towers generally preassembled in factory and delivered to site. They requires less field , site assembly with the same characteristics of working principals as the large cooling towers, packaged cooling tower are for smaller water flows upto 500m3/hr.
FRP Round bottle counterflow cooling towers are uniquely designed, engineered & manufactured for high performance , reliability , durability & trouble free operation.
The UTR series FRP Round bottle cooling towers are having PVC film fills generally of 12 mm flute for cleaner circulating waters. For slightly bad water quality normally film fills of 19 mm flute sizes are used . For hot water temp above 60 deg. C ABS film fills are used. However for bad quality circulating water PP Turbo splash fills or PP ring fills are used. These are also suitable for higher hot water temperature.
Canara manufactures & exports PFC – series Pultruded Fiber Glass counterflow cooling towers since 2000. These towers designed according to specific project specifications confirming to CTI – STD 137 & 152.
Pultruded FRP counterflow cooling tower design without question , the best counterflow cooling towers available in the market today. The Pultruded FRP cooling tower design that offers the most effective and efficient cooling solutions at an economic al price. These towers are perfect fit in a variety of Industrial applications from power plants, Oil Refineries , process plants & HVAC installations.
Versatile and efficient pultruded fiber glass structure is resistant both to chemical and biological attack which makes it ideal for the inherent harsh operating condition of the cooling tower environment.
Our Pultruded FRP counterfow cooling towers are environmentally friendly alternative, which features no chemical leaching from the structural members into circulating water.
The Pultruded FRP counterflow cooling tower are fitted with variety of fill media from high efficient film fill or low fouling film fill to splash opti grid and Turbo splash fills , suitable for the poorest of the water quality.
The hardware & base anchors of the cooling tower are supplied in stainless steel 304 or 316 or Silicon bronze for sea water applications . Pultruded fiber glass has advantages over conventional cooling tower materials of construction like concrete, wood, steel etc.
Canara manufactures timber counterflow cooling towers using vide varieties of film and splash fills.
The cooling towers are heavy duty designed for Industrial applications.
The timber is chemically pressure treated after fabrication, using CCA chemicals by the full cell process to a minimum chemical retention of 12 kg/m3, as per IS – 401 Code, to protect the wood from decay & attack by termites and other micro organisms, to get a longer life.
The Treated lumber is the most economical material used in cooling towers. The chemically treated timber can withstand high levels of chlorides, sulfates and hydrogen sulfide.
The film fills used are of 12 mm, 19 mm, 27mm flute sizes & of non – clogging type, selected based upon the circulating water quality. However for dirty or bad quality circulating water, splash fills like opti grid, Turbo splash are generally used.
Generally the film fill material is of poly vinyl chloride (PVC). However for hot water temp above 55 deg. C, ABS material is used.
For dirty or bad quality circulating water, opt grid splash fills or turbo splash fills manufactured out of poly propylene(PP) are used.
Canara manufactures & exports concrete (RCC) counterflow cooling towers using vide varieties of film and splash fills selected based upon the circulating water quality, either for fresh water or sea water application.
Generally, reinforced cement concrete cooling towers are constructed as per the requirement of the customers. These towers are either offered on a turnkey basis by Canara or Civil construction can be in the customer's scope. However, detailed Engineering for RCC construction is offered by Canara. Designing and construction is done in accordance with Indian Standards (IS) or American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards.
Normally, for Sea water application special RCC structure of the Corrosion prevention system (impressed current corrosion prevention system) is required. This system protects the reinforcing steel and concrete from degradation due to corrosion and designed for a life of 50 years. The concrete surface is coated with special protection paints like Polyurethane to protect from sea water.
Along with manufacturing a wide variety of new cooling towers due to our flexible, project oriented Engineering and designs, Canara has diversified, expertise in conversion of old timber cooling towers to pulturded FRP cooling towers.
Many cooling tower users prefer to repair existing old timber cooling towers, which either have out lived their life or damaged prematurely due to bad quality of materials or other reasons. In reality if the overall condition of the existing cooling tower is bad and requires a major structural repairs, then it is technically and economically advised to convert the old timber cooling tower to pulturded FRP cooling tower.
During repairing of old timber cooling towers, only part of the bad quality items are replaced, so un replaced items need to be replaced after some time. Practically repairing of old timber cooling towers takes place every 1- 2 years, which proves very costly affair. Moreover partially repaired old timber cooling tower may fail, collapse partially or fully, which will be dangers in all aspects.
Suppose if the old timber cooling tower is of crossflow design and circulating water is a good quality then a techno commercial proposal can be offered to convert the crossflow cooling tower to pulturded FRP counterflow cooling tower using high efficient PVC film fills, stating benefits of lower fan power consumption , pumping head etc. Similarly if the existing old timber cooling tower is counterflow with film fills and circulating water is of poor quality, then a new pulturded FRP crossflow cooling tower with splash fill may be offered considering the economics of fan power, pumping head etc.
Most of the times the RCC basin of old timber cooling tower is in good condition. Canara built pultruded FRP cooling tower be it crossflow or counterflow in the same basin, absolutely without any basin modifications. If the mechanical equipment like fan , motor , fan gear box , fan cylinder, drive shaft etc. are in good condition Canara proposes to reuse them either fully or partially in the new pulturded FRP cooling tower.
Pultruded FRP cooling tower has a long life almost maintenance free operation , unlike timber cooling towers in which water needs to be circulated always, (even if the plant is shut) to maintain the timber components wet, as wet and dry operation reduces the life of the timber considerably. This consumes of a lot water and pumping power. Pulturded FRP does not affect in wet and dry operation of cooling tower.
Pulturded FRP cooling towers have many benefits compared to timber cooling towers. The structure , fan deck, handrail, stair case , ladder etc are of pulturded FRP. Fan cylinder, casing , louvers are of FRP . Hence expected life is more than 25 years, which is 2 - 3 times more than timber. All bolt nuts washers , brackets etc. used in the pulturded FRP cooling tower are of Stainless Steel Grade 304-316.
Canara is one of the few cooling tower companies in the Industry to design manufacture, supply, & commission customized or tailor made cooling towers to suit customers requirement.
Canara specializes in customizing cooling towers to meet project needs, tailoring the right solution to meet the specific requirements of our customers.
Canara can offer any cooling tower tailor made cooling towers in various cell size, various composition of components to meet your specific application and requirements and offer you the most effective value.