Bio-security is the prevention and control of the outbreak of disease and pathogens in farms. Chembond's biosecurity products help achieve this by two ways - Disinfection and Water Sanitation. Disinfection comprises regular aerial and surface disinfection, fogging and foot dips, restriction of vehicles and visitors, etc. A range of products under the brand name KemRaksha+TM offer such solutions. Meanwhile, unique products like Bromo graneTM are added to the water fed to the farm animals to further ensure no contamination takes place via water sources.
Vitamins & Minerals
Chembond manufactures a range of vitamins and minerals under the brand name PreviteTM for supplementing poultry and dairy diet to improve eggshell quality reduce breakage, improve milk production and overall performance of the animal. Vitamin Supplements also includes Alpha D3 which is available for both water and feed supplementation. Mineral Supplement includes Prokel Selenio 10000 ppm which is organic selenium. Prokel Slelenio is added in the diet of both poultry and dairy to improve reproductive performance & immunity of the animal.
Enzymes work as catalysts. They help in improving digestibility of feed ingredients to make them available to the birds thus reducing pollution, wastage, and improve hygiene. Products include EnzimixTM, a complex feed enzyme which causes digestion on non-starch polysaccharides resulting in higher nutrient availability to the animal. PoszymeTM, unique yeast phytase, improves utilization of bound phosphorus & vital minerals.
Probiotics are the natural barrier between animal's digestive system and invading pathogens. They help to protect bird's digestive tract, aid fiber digestion, stimulate immunity and maintain gut integrity. Product KembioTM is a multi strain probiotic containing bacteria as well as yeast which suppresses colonization of E.coli, salmonella and other potential pathogens.