
To protect the environment Dekson is undertaking few actions to prevent or limit any emissions to the environment.

• Recycling
Being in the aluminium industry , Recycling is a philosophy for us. We practice it where ever possible around the plant. Our current level of recycling moulding sand is as high as 99%. To reach this level it required a lot of engineering, investment, trained and disciplined workforce. We have designed one Briquettes SPM, which, recycling the aluminium swarf and coolant from our SPM/CNC machining department. The swarf is pressed into briquettes and sent to a local melting plant. he coolant recovered from the swarf during the pressing process is put back into the SPM/CNC machines.

• Noise pollution
Efforts are underway to reduce the noise coming out of cutting the risers from job. We have conceptualised SPM for the job, which will reduce the noise by considerably.