Welcome To Dekson Castings Pvt. Ltd.

Experience gathered over decades combined with continuous process optimization in casting manufacturing coupled with need specific customization for our customers has made DEKSON CASTINGS one of the reputed name in the region and competent jobbing foundry in this segment. Established in 1993-94, we have gained reputation of providing highest quality precision castings in the industry. Our customers are individually supplied with castings according to various international standards and thus they receive a solution customized to their requirements. Our major customers are form automobile and electrical industry, wherein, we not only set industry standards for quality but also exceed expectations in delivery.


Our Products

Alluminium Alloy
Gravity Die Casting
Sand Casting


To protect the environment Dekson is undertaking few actions to prevent or limit any emissions to the environment. Being in the aluminium industry , Recycling is a philosophy for us. We practice it where ever possible around the plant. Our current level of recycling moulding sand is as high as 99%. To reach this level it required a lot of engineering, investment, trained and disciplined workforce. We have designed one Briquettes SPM.

Quality at Dekson

Aluminium castings with such high requirements have to go through stringent tests. DEKSON CASTINGS offer its customers a variety of test equipment to monitor all processes and to evaluate the soundness of the castings.


The heart of the production is our aluminium foundry. It was the foundation of our business and looks back over decades of experience and tradition. Combined with the latest equipment in foundry technology .