Electrostatic Precipitator
- Designed by Us – More than 400 ESPs are working successfully in India and overseas in various sectors viz. power plants and process boilers, cement, steel, non-ferrous metallurgical, fertilizers, tyres and tubes, paper, chemicals, textiles and food & beverages etc.
- Get the Earthcon Energy Advantage Horizontal and Vertical Flow Precipitators
- Dry type design for Gas volumes 5000 Am3/hr to 30, 00000 Am3/hr
- Hot gas designs for operation at temperatures above 450 Deg. C
- Expertise of Top as well as bottom rapping
- Diverse applications like corrosive gas, Over 100 types of dusts, tar etc
Bag Filters / Bag Houses
- Designed by Us – More than 8000 Bagfilters are working successfully in India and overseas in various sectors viz. power plants and process boilers, cement, steel, non- ferrous metallurgical, fertilizers, tyres and tubes, paper, chemicals, textiles and food & beverages etc.
- Get the Earthcon Energy Advantage Online Cleaning and Offline Cleaning Technology available
- Gas Flows 2500 Am3/hr to 10, 00000 Am3/hr , temp upto 250 deg cel
- Type of Gas Entry : Casing , Hopper and Preseperator Type
- Cleaning Pressure ; High Pressure as well as Low pressure Technology
- Diverse applications like corrosive gas, Over 100 types of dusts etc

ESP & Bagfilter Internal & Structural Parts Fabrication
- Collecting and Discharge electrodes
- Collecting and Discharge electrodes Hanging arrangements
- CE and DE Rapping arrangement
- Rapping Bar and Hammer Systems
- Bagfilter Cages
- ESP structural part fabrication such as Casing, Hoppers, Nozzles, Pent House, Platform and railings, Staircase and support structure
- Ball Railing , Access Doors
Multi Cyclones / Cyclones
- Designed by Us – More than 5000 Cyclones are working successfully in India and overseas in various sectors viz. boilers, cement, steel, non- ferrous metallurgical, fertilizers, tyres and tubes, paper, chemicals, textiles and food & beverages etc.
- Get the Earthcon Energy Advantage both Muticylones and Cyclones Technology available
- Gas Flows 2500 Am3/hr to 50000 Am3/hr , temp uptp 250 deg cel
- High efficiency for dust separation
- Low cost due to its simple construction
- Low cost maintenance, no moving parts
- Low cost of operation for their constant pressure drop
- Small surface occupied even for large volumes

- Scrubber systems are a diverse group of air pollution control devices that can be used to remove some particulates and/or gases from industrial exhaust streams.
- Types : Wet Scrubber system (Spary Tower , Packed bed tower, Venturi Scrubber)
- Dry Scrubber system ( Dry Sorbent Injection such as hydrated lime, activated alumina etc),
- SCR and SNCR technologies for NOx reduction.
- MOC : Carbon steel, SS 304 /316
Dampers (Butterfly, Multiouver, Divertor, Gulletin)
- Types of Dampers : Butterfly, Multilouver, 2-3Way Divertor Damper, Gulletin
- Size : 100 -4000 mm Round/Square
- Duty : ON/OFF, Modulating Duty
- Drive : Electric / Pneumatic
- Design Pressure : Upto 5000mmWC
- Design Temp : Upto 600 Deg cel

RAV, DFDV & Conveyors
- Types of RAV: CI / MS, Round/Square
- Size: 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 650 mm
- Drive: Through Direct/Chain
- Types of DFDV: MS, Round/Square
- Size: 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 650 mm
- Drive: Through Electric motor/Pn Cylinder
Rotary and Retractable type Soot Blowers
- Rotary Soot Blowers & Retractable type Soot Blowers : Our specially designed Clean- max series soot blowers are very simple in design and constructions makes its easy and reliable operations at site with maximum cleaning efficiency.
- Our specially design nozzles through Computational fluid dynamic analysis makes cleaning very very efficient than any soot blowers available in the market.

Telescopic Chute / Retractable Loading/Unloading Spout
Loading / Unloading of dry/Bulk material in open and closed truck. It is designed to prevent material loss and ensure plan and environment safety with low service cost.
- Types: for Close Truck / For Open Truck , Ships
- Size: 200 mm to 600 mm
- Length of Travel: 1000 – 6000 mm
- Cone MOC: MS/SS/Hardox etc
- Option: With /Without inbuilt Bag filter for pollution free Venting
Desiccants type Heatless dryer
- Capacity: 10 CFM ( 17 m3/hr) to 900 CGM (1500 m3/hr)
- Operating / Design Pressure: 7-10 / 10.5 barg
- Atmospheric Dew Point of outlet air: -40 to -60 Deg cel

Value Added Services
Carrying ample inventory to supply wide array of ESP and bagfilter components such as filter bags, Cages, Solenoid valves, RAVs, ESP discharge and collecting electrodes , rapping mechanisms and others with guaranteed availability.
Complete revamping of exiting (ours / other make) ESP/Bagfilter can be done for reducing emission levels, pressure drop of the system and for addition of gas flow in exiting systems. This is accomplished by computational fluid dynamic analysis to ensure better gas distribution, addition of mechanical/electrical field in ESP, increasing height of bagfilter, etc.