I - Cutting off the pipe at rightangles is facilitated
by using the pipe sawing device shown in the illustration on the
left, which is for pipes having an external diameter from 6 to 42
Part No. :AV 6/42
ATTENTION : Do not use pipe cutters !
Pipe wall is not cut rightangled.
II - Well oil (not grease) the threads and cutting ring. Then push the
nut and the ring over the end of the pipe as shown in the illustration.
If it is impossible or very difficult to
puch the cutting ring over the end
of the pipe, do not open out the
cutting ring but file the end of the
pipe to make it a little thinner.
III - Pipes of a smaller external diameter can be fitted
direct into the couplings if they are screwed into
appliances. First of all, tighten up the nut by hand
until you can feel that it is binding on the cutting
ring. Then press the pipe against the stop in the
inner cone and tighten the nut by about threequarters
of a turn.
Make sure that
you do not turn the
pipe round with it.
This makes the
cutting ring grip
the pipe, after
which it is no
longer necessary to press the pipe.
For the final tightening give the nut another three
quarters of a turn. When this is done the ring cuts
into the pipe and pushes up a visible coller in front
of the cutting edge.
IV - Pipes having a larger external diameter and all
couplings which have to be made in free pipes
are best given a pre-installation in the vice. The
length of the spanner should be about 15 times
the diameter the nut (if necessary extend it by
slipping a pipe. For that you can use a special
hardened pre-installation body which must be
inspected permanently a gauge !
If you use a serical body in connection with the
installation, take care that each pipe end is
always fitted in the same inner cone
with which the pre-installation was
carried out.
The final tightening is made easier if
the nut is loosened a few times so
that fresh oil can get between the
friction surfaces.
V - When the final tightening been
carried out, undo the nut again
and check up to see weather
the visible collar thrown up fills
the space in front of the cut. If
not, tighten it up a little more.
It does not matter if the cutting
ring can be turned round on
the end of the pipe.
After the
joined has been completed
and after each time it is
tightened up without any
extension on the spanner
handle and without using any
abnormal force.
The s t raight pipe end
projecting into the coupling
must have a minimum length
which is twice the height of the
nut (H). In the case of long pipe
mains and those subjected to
high stresses it is necessary
for pipe clips to be fitted.
Adjustable couplings (evW, evT, evL, evGE) as well as KOR are delivered pre-installed at the stand pipe side. The final installation will be made in the respectively body with at least 1/2 turn after you have felt perceotible resistance.