10 Reasons To Choose Us.

  • Adequate Knowledge Of Business.
  • New product Development
  • Bigger Basket Offering
  • In House Quality Check
  • Timely Delivery
  • Services We Offer
  • Iptimal Solution
  • Commitment
  • Trust & Reliability
  • Good Business Practice

Market We Serve

Food, Dairy, Soft Drinks & Beverages Industries

The Food & Dairy industry is one such area of significance that requires extreme and careful monitoring of each and every step, starting from the key basic process of extraction of dairy products to the final packaging step. We at Kitten, follow every single measure and pay special attention to our products in order to ensure all our equipments are highly efficient and belong to the top-class quality standards.

Our unique range of products related to Food & Dairy industry includes Filters for Dairy, Gelatin and Sugar. Food manufacturers are turning to Cleanroom technology to control airborne contamination and increase product shelf-life. Contamination potential due to personnel traffic must be minimized. One sound method to reduce this is by using clean room garments in such areas to maintain sterilization conditions and avoid contamination.

With soft drinks, various beverages and other fluid products becoming the current trend of the season and ruling the market; it has become an essential factor for every food and beverage industry to employ the finest quality equipments and machines. Our highly praised and best-in-use products allied to soft drink & beverage industry includes Industrial filters for Soft drinks, Fruit Juices, Bottled Water etc.